Dr. Nkemdilim Iheanachor

Dr. Nkemdilim Iheanachor

Dr/ Strategy Faculty Member, Lagos Business School

Dr Nkemdilim Iheanachor (B.Eng, MBA, Mphil, PhD.) is a member of the Faculty in the Strategy Group in Lagos Business School (LBS) where he also serves as an Academic Director in the Senior Management Programme as well as a course director in other executive and open-enrolment programmes in the School. Nkemdilim holds a Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering, a Master of Business Administration degree as well as MPhil and PhD Degrees in Strategic Management. He is also a visiting professor in at University of Stellenbosch's Business School, Cape Town, South Africa as well as Africa Business School, King Mohammed VI University, Rabat, Morocco.

He has attended fellowships and faculty development programmes in Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School and Robinson College of Business all in the United States of America. He is also an alumnus of the ITP Programme in INSEAD Business School, France. He has extensively presented his research in international professional and academic conferences. He is currently a member of the worldwide Academy of Management as well as the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Knowledge. As a member of the Academy of International Business, he sits on the executive committee as the treasurer of the African chapter. He sits on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation and Digital Economics and Innovation ESIC Journal.

He has had prior experience in Banking as a Relationship Manager in the Multilateral, Conglomerates and Private Banking group of Zenith Bank; as an Investment Banker where he was involved in Project Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions and financial advisory engagements and as a Consultant where he was involved in business advisory engagements for large multinationals and local corporates.

In the last ten years, he has consulted for well two hundred and fifty private and public sector organizations as well as governments in industries such as oil and gas, energy, banking, insurance, pensions, telecommunications, consumer markets and retail all around Africa. Nkemdilim has extensively consulted in the areas such as growth transformation, strategy development, execution, corporate restructuring, foreign subsidiary establishment, corporate strategy development, competitive strategy development and blue ocean strategy development.
Nkemdilim is a thought leader and active participant in the Nigerian Financial Inclusion Ecosystem. He leads the Supply-Side workstream of the Sustainable & Inclusive Digital Financial Services Initiative (SIDFS) in LBS aimed at improving financial inclusion in Nigeria through research, capacity building and stakeholder engagement. SIDFS is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). He has led different research programmes on the adoption of digital financial services (DFS) for financial inclusion. He currently sits on the board of some private sector organizations and also serves as a strategy mentor to several CEOs and top corporates.